The Polish Science Day is to be an inspiration to follow in the footsteps of Polish researchers and to strengthen interest in science.
‘Stopped the Sun, moved the Earth. Of Polish people he was born.’ Nicolaus Copernicus, an outstanding astronomer, but also mathematician, economist, lawyer, and physician. If we were asked to give an example of a Polish Renaissance man, undoubtedly this is the name that would come to our mind first. Therefore it is no surprise that the Polish Sejm chose his birth date to be the Polish Science Day.
This year we are celebrating the Polish Science Day for the third time. The establishment of the date of the annual celebrations- as stated in the justification to the Act of January 9, 2020 – was “an expression of the highest recognition for the achievements of Polish scientists in the over 1000-year history of our nation and state.” For centuries science was a key impulse for intellectual, social and economic development.
Not only Copernicus!
Nicolaus Copernicus, Napoleon Cybulski, Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Ludwik Hirszfeld, Stanisław Ulam, Ignacy Łukasiewicz, or Wilhelmina Iwanowska. These are just a few names of Polish scientists worth mentioning while going back in time. The achievements of Polish scientists have influenced the history of the world and still have an impact on all mankind. At present, many Polish scientists work in international research teams. This allows their research to have an even greater reach.
“POLAND – THE HEART OF EUROPE”, a new exhibition at EXPO Dubai 2020
This year marks the third time the Polish Science Day is celebrated. A special exhibition has been set up in Dubai on this occasion under the name: “Poland the heart of Europe”. The exhibition is a multimedia show presenting the history of medicine in Poland and the contribution of Polish scientists and medical doctors to world medicine. The show is divided into six thematic areas: brain and sensory organs, cancer and immunology, cardiovascular diseases, surgery and organ transplantation, infectious diseases, and paediatrics. The exhibition presents breakthrough moments, the most important discoveries, successful surgeries, for instance the discovery of the blood group system and the Rh factor, the creation of a vaccine against typhoid fever, the preparation of the world’s first vaccine against polio, the development of a method of gastrointestinal endoscopy, the creation of a surgical mask. It also shows outstanding personalities, as each thematic area has its own heroes – both from the past and the present.
Click the link below to visit the exhibition online:
The exhibition is one of a number of events accompanying the Polish Science Week at EXPO Dubai 2020.

Official Opening Ceremony for The “POLAND – THE HEART OF EUROPE” exhibition”