Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw nd Pikralida Sp. z o. o. collaborate on „Use of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor to develop an innovative therapy of preventing the development of post-traumatic and post-stroke epilepsy” project, which is cofunded by the European Funds.
The development of epilepsy is a common complication after a traumatic brain injury or a stroke. Based on the current estimations, 2.3 million serious head injuries and up to 1.9 million strokes occur annually in Europe and the United States. Each of these events can initiate epileptogenesis leading, in the consequence, to the development of epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease with recurrent epileptic seizures, which are an expression of transient brain dysfunction resulting from excessive, sudden, and spontaneous bioelectrical discharges in nerve cells. Currently, for about 30% of epilepsy cases there is no cure available and constant pharmacotherapy is required to relieve the symptoms.
The aim of the project is to develop an innovative therapeutic method for preventing post-traumatic and post-stroke epileptic seizures by modulating matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity. Tasks include i.a. development of the API and investigational medicinal product manufacturing technology, evaluation of MMP-9 inhibitor therapeutic potential in animal models, performing preclinical and phase I clinical trials. Laboratory of Neurobiology led by professor Leszek Kaczmarek will commence work on behalf of the Institute.
Hippocampus – immunohistochemistry green colour indicates glia (IBA-1), red colour – astrocytes (GFAP), phot. dr Barbara Pijet-Binkiewicz
The Institute’s mission is deeply rooted in its long history of excellence in basic scientific research, but it must be periodically revised in response to dynamically changing environment of scientific research and its economical and societal implications. Therefore at the beginning of the 21st century, termed by some “the age of biology”, the Institute’s mission and development strategy must be revaluated.
Pikralida is a biopharmaceutical start-up focused on the development of medicinal products in response to unmet medical needs, and providing optimal effectiveness and safety of the target pharmacotherapy. Their current projects cover therapeutic solutions based on innovative small-molecule drugs, innovative combinations of drug formulations, as well as state-of-the-art drug delivery systems. Pikralida’s efforts focus primarily on the neurological and civilization diseases with special consideration for the elderly population.