22 November 2023

The Ministry of Education and Science has launched the Ludzie Nauki (People of science) project, which is the one of the key services available on the edukacja.gov.pl portal.  Due to this portal everybody will be able to find information about Polish scientists and their achievements.  It gathers in one place data on over than 90 thousand Polish scientists with more than one million scientific achievements.

Source: MeiN

The main task of the project, is to promote Polish scientific achievements at home and abroad. “This is the first ever official database on Polish scientists, containing only information verified by universities and other scientific institutions‘ says Antoni Rytel, Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation.

The portal presents extensive collections of data gathered over the years in scientific institutions from all over Poland – it brings together in one place publicly available, and so far dispersed, information on Polish scientists, in databases such as POL-on, and in the future also collected by the National Library, the National and European Patent Office and other national and international databases.

Each of scientist will have a separate profile there, supplemented with data on scholar achievements, education and employment, facilitated by universities and other scientific institutions. It will be possible to get notifications on new contests and opportunities for getting funding for research with the use of the portal. The portal will provide notifications regarding new contests and funding opportunities for research. A given scientist will be able to use the profile when applying for state grants, without the need to repetitively provide information about his or her achievements.

– Ludzie Nauki (People of Science) is the first IT solution in the field of science built not for the ministry, but for scientists themselves. Thanks to it, scientists will be able, inter alia, to apply for grants or apply for scientific promotion in a simpler way. They will be notified in real time about new competitions, elections. The transparency of thesis and application reviews will also increase thanks to a universal reviewer selection module’  points out Łukasz Wawer, Deputy Director of the Digital Transformation Centre, Ministry of Education and Science.

The People of Science project is also intended to support the development of cooperation between science and business – thanks to access to information on outstanding scientists, business will be able to contact them and establish cooperation in the development of a given enterprise. The People of Science portal is to bring closer and open the scientific community to the rest of society – to show the activities of scientists in an accessible way. In addition, the portal will present the achievements of not only currently active researchers. It will also include profiles of the most eminent figures of Polish science who we know from the past.

The project is being carried out on behalf of the Centre for Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Education and Science by the Information Processing Centre – National Research Institute and constitutes the implementation of the state’s mission of disseminating knowledge about Polish science.


Link to website: 


