21 October 2024

Polish scientists have created innovative sausages that taste and look like the real thing but made from potatoes.

A team of scientists from the Poznań University of Life Sciences have used potato juice to produce meat substitutes. After several years of research, they successfully developed three products: sausage, gyros, and a burger. According to Dr. Przemysław Kowalczewski, head of the team, all of these products have already been  tested.

“There are more and more vegan products on the market that are tasty and visually appealing. However, their nutritional value often falls short compared to meat. Our goal was to create a nutritious product containing health-promoting compounds,” explained Dr. Kowalczewski, who has spent years studying the medicinal properties of potato juice. Research shows that this humble ingredient contains compounds that can help treat intestinal inflammation and may even support cancer treatment.

Despite potato proteins having a good amino acid profile, they are difficult to process, making them less common in food production. Their disadvantages include a potato-like smell and a gray color. Extra work was needed to mitigate these traits, such as mixing the proteins with others.

The key ingredient in all these meatless products is potato juice, chosen for both its health benefits and its ecological advantages. The research team, consisting of around 20 members, worked on different stages of the project to ensure the right balance of fatty acids and nutritional value. Consumer tests confirmed that the potato-based sausage not only mimics the taste of meat but also offers a healthier alternative.

According to Polish newspaper Super Express, these innovative products have a chance of conquering the market.

Photo: UM Poznania


