14 May 2024

Open call for proposals for joint research projects between the Republic of Poland and the French Republic (PHC Polonium 2024): “Support for mobility of researchers conducting research in the Polish French partnership” has been announced.

The aim of this program is to develop and exchange skills between the research laboratories of the two countries by encouraging new joint ventures, supporting the involvement of young researchers and PhD students and by opening up research development prospects toward European projects.

Projects representing any field of science are eligible to participate in the competition. Particular attention will be paid to those, the topics of which correspond to the priorities of the Strategic Partnership between the French Republic and the Republic of Poland and the European Union Framework Program Horizon Europe.

Applications in this competition may be submitted by science and higher education institutions in consultation with an entity from the partner country. This means that the application for co-financing is submitted by a Polish unit to NAWA and by a French unit to Campus France.

The maximum amount of funding from NAWA is PLN 30 000. This amount can only be used to support the mobility of Polish-French research teams: the stay and travel of Polish scientists to France.

The call for applications lasts until the 17th of July 2024 at 15:00.

In the process of substantive selection carried out by NAWA experts, the scientific significance of the proposed project will be assessed, including the proposed research methodology, qualifications and experience of both research teams in the area of the project, the importance of the undertaken scientific cooperation and the prospect of its continuation. Additional points will be awarded for meeting additional criteria, i.e. participation of young scientists in the Polish research team, the possibility of cooperation with socio-economic partners during or as a result of the project and the potential for cooperation within the framework of EU initiatives.

In addition, priority will be given to mobility projects involving early-stage researchers, i.e. researchers whose doctoral degree or equivalent title was obtained less than 7 years before the date of application and doctoral students.

Research teams that will pass the next stages of selection, i.e. formal and substantive evaluation, will be informed about the results in December 2024. The implementation of two-year projects may start from 01st January 2025.

For more information go to – link