If you are searching for exciting job offers and research projects, we encourage you to visit the EURAXESS European database. By creating a profile on EURAXESS, you can receive job offers directly to your email inbox.
There are a few sources of research-related job offers in Poland. They are published by Polish higher education institutions, research institutes, Polish Academy of Sciences and research funding organisations. The majority of these vacancies can be found in the European EURAXESS database.
On the EURAXESS website you will find the latest grant offers available to PhD candidates and scientists both based in Poland and interested in coming to our country. The offers come from various funding sources, including Polish research funding organisations, European and international programmes.
Additionally, you can publish your job, funding or hosting offers free-of-charge on the EURAXESS database, which is operated by the European Commission. You just need to register your organisation and log in.
If you need partners for research projects, recruitment commissions, project proposal evaluation committees, or a host organization for funded projects, you can find partnering opportunities and post your own offers in the European EURAXESS database for free. Simply log in or register an account.

Photo by WangXiNa na Freepik
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