We are excited to share an upcoming event organised by @PoloniumFoundation! Get ready for 12th Science: Polish Perspectives conference aka #SPP2022! This October (29-30.10.2022) Polish researchers from all over the world will meet again in Oxford where they will share their latest research.
Registration is open and will last until October 24 so make sure to get your tickets here:
Academia: https://poloniumfoundation.typeform.com/to/HHxkeJjt
Industry: https://poloniumfoundation.typeform.com/to/LrTO9Gj3
Again, this year’s agenda is packed with fascinating topics and charismatic speakers, so keep an eye out on @PoloniumFoundation social media to keep updated.
You can follow their event page for all latest updates: https://fb.me/e/3weUFYsOD
Or go directly to the dedicated website: https://poloniumfoundation.org/spp-oxford-2022
All Polish researchers working in Poland and abroad as well as all enthusiasts of Polish science are invited. Whether you’re a PI, professor or a student, this event is for you!
SPP is the largest conference that annually brings together researchers across career stages and from various fields. It mainly focuses on promoting Polish science as well as bringing together the Polish scientific diaspora.