In the first session, IHI Executive Director Dr Pierre Meulien will present IHI and explain why we are launching a new European partnership for health. He will also describe what’s new compared to the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), and what will stay the same. IHI staff will then present opportunities for stakeholders to get involved in IHI, for example by applying to become a member of the IHI Science and Innovation Panel (SIP), or by becoming an expert evaluator. They will also offer a preview of the draft topics under consideration for inclusion in the first IHI call for proposals.

The second session will feature a high-level discussion during which representatives of the IHI partners, namely the European Commission, the European Parliament, COCIR, EFPIA , Vaccines Europe, EuropaBio and MedTech Europe, will present their vision for IHI.

Both sessions will include time for questions from participants.


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