28 May 2024

AGH University of Krakow, a major technical university in Poland, has received the European HR Excellence in Research award. The award is granted  by the European Commission to scientific organisations in Europe that commit to improving their employment and recruitment procedures for researchers, in line with the European Charter for Researchers.

The university was ranked among the best universities and research institutions that meet high standards in terms of conducting a transparent recruitment process and creating a friendly and attractive working environment for the development of academic and research careers.

This recognition is based on the “HR4R AGH Strategy,” developed by the Team for the implementation of the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the AGH University.

The “HR4R AGH Strategy” includes an analysis of the current implementation status of the Charter and Code at AGH, assessing both regulatory compliance and the activities and practices of the university. The conclusions from the analysis made it possible to create an action plan (with a timetable) for the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code at AGH for 2024–2025. The actions will focus on four main areas: ethical and professional aspects, recruitment, working and social security conditions, and training. The planned activities involve various university units. The consistent implementation of the HR4R AGH Strategy will improve working conditions for researchers and advance scientific development at AGH.

In Poland there are currently 106 institutions that are engaged in this initiative. The institutions which implement the Charter and the Code and align their own policies to the provisions of both documents receive the „HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission. The implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code is voluntary.

More information about AGH strategy

